Plan B

July 14, 2021

If you’re wondering what mental process I went through to make my move into my car happen… well, I’ve got a lot to say about that. But I’m going to keep this brief.

Back in Florida, I reached a place where I had the choice to ask for help, or work with my own resources. I worked part-time retail and was being forced out of my living situation on short notice. I worked most mornings in the cash office, so the next morning while I was secluded, stressed and hardly able to focus on weighing money, it hit me… I could live in my car. I spent the next few hours excitedly counting cash and writing ideas down on how I could organize my car, where I could park, where I could shower, what I could eat—everything. The thought of living in my car wasn’t what was thrilling. It was that I had a solution. A solution that didn’t require a plea for help. I could survive on my own. That independence is what warmed my worried heart. And that experience is what gave me the courage to move across the country on my own; because I knew that if all else failed, I wouldn’t be lost… I’d have my car. So, when the going got tough again, I planned it all out again, and here we are today. Of course there’s more to the story, but I’ll save that for another day.